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X-MAS CTF is the competition organized by HTsP with the purpose of learning and having fun while solving jeopardy-style challenges.

We welcome both beginners and experienced players alike! Hope you will have a great time and we wish you a Merry Christmas!

(All of the challenges are written by HTsP members)

CTF events

X-MAS CTF 202224.42
X-MAS CTF 2021 Second Weekend23.56
X-MAS CTF 2021 First Weekend23.56
X-MAS CTF 20200
X-MAS CTF 201924.17
X-MAS CTF 20180.00
X-MAS CTF 201824.17
Related tags: reverse mysql crytography electronics programming learning css phpsessionid xss algo crypto xpath javascript python java linux coding graphs c jquery engineering forensic steganography wireless cryptography php7 nothing pwn drugs pentesting superstitions exploitation reverse engineering algorithms hacking c sqli security secure-coding network networking emails c++ student social engineering php #web sql injection attacks overflow buffer go lua devops pwntools it ios forensics android revesing vulnerability analysis suisse-switzerland metasploit dos web watching tv attack applicative sleeping pwnable social reversing rust shellscript pwning rop bash fuzzing scripting radare2 scanning ret2libc gdb injection enumeration tcpip patient sql random decryption recon perl wireshark cryptanalysis ida malware tcp windbg binary ollydbg blind rev warmup websec python3 misc guessing csrf csp-bypass path-traversal js v8 shellcode pickle sha1 popad bruteforce eval collision pdf heap-feng-shui heap apache2 rabin rsa chinese-remainder gauss anti-debug check miscellaneous / 1day exploit oeis substitution vector matrix function modular polynomial math sanity rsa-crypto cryptography-rsa hexedit audacity rot13 cipher nc nim scraping des prng crt ropchain xor frida stackoverflow stegano lcg ucucuga bof arm32 the ripper john xxe ssrf brainfuck stego re ctf encryptctf kml scapy osint burpsuite bufferoverflow jwt ssti quantum lisp binaryexploitation kernel unintended bot discord role ppc format-string netcat qr code md5 hash databases emulation file_structure rsa-like jail python2 image base64 image-processing reverseengineering lattice blind-sqli or-injection emulator flask shazam youtube audio search ai iot glibc-2.32 linker cve heap-overflow sniffing ransomware packet analysis factoring okamoto-uchiyama volatility memory_dump vm joy trustzone gosuha mobile_reverse hardware steghide adjacency walks matrices exponentiation paths webexploitation mmap libc_database pwnscripts map_fixed printf libc one_gadget oob fmtstr waiting_for_sixteen_hours shell redirection timing algorithm frequency-analyzing bgblink pokemon_character programing git hash-collision aes rsa-crt fault reverse_engineering retro disassembly mips dynamic angr firebase stack curl bluetooth pcap srop doublefree tcache-poisoning logs radio fpga verilog stack-pivot off-by-one biology solidity smartcontract ethereum reentracy smart-contract blockchain reverse-engineering dns rand pyjail inspect-element caesar vigenere elf integer-overflow aes-ctr bitflipping pyc mariadb mobile native-library intro seccomp