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*This is only for middle and high school students!

Join Ferro’s Inter-Galactic Exploration team as a security specialist, securing the technology of one of the expedition’s ships to discover new planets. The top security specialist in each category will receive a prize at the end of the expedition.

Ferro is a multiplanetary aeronautic and space technology development company headquartered on Vulcan. Ferro designs and manufactures spacecraft, shuttles, space stations, satellites, various devices for in-space propulsion, and orbital launch vehicles. The company is looking to start a voyaging program combined with various methods of entertainment to appeal to a broad audience of travelers. The expedition is meant to expand Ferro’s list of sights and their travel path.

This competition of Capture the Flag (CTF) is not your traditional outdoor game. In the security world, a CTF is a cyber-based competition between cybersecurity students or professionals to test their skills in a variety of computer security-related topics. These topics range from programming, to cryptography, to digital forensics, open source information, reverse engineering, and more!

This is a FREE competition open for all middle and high school students (5th-12th grade). No prior CTF or cybersecurity experience is required!

This beginner-level competition will be open on Friday, September 2nd and end Friday, September 9th. Our kickoff meeting will be on Friday, September 2nd, at 7PM CDT.

Note: The final scoreboard only includes the eligible middle and high school student rankings.

CTF events

Inter-Galactic CTF Competition0.00
Simulations Arcade Hack CTF0
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