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The event itself is composed of multiple challenges in diverse areas.

Organized by RCTS CERT in Portugal

CTF events

Jornadas 202119.81
e-Jornadas 202019.81
Related tags: nmap armitage algorithms web pwn metasploit kali sqli sqlmap procrastination c c c++ all reverse crypto hacking binaryexploitation ret2libc networking rop bof command-injection format-string misc forensics angr golang go reversing re github osint shellshock rsactftool rsa network stega hex audio base64 fuzzing js deobfuscation deobfuscating python xor dns dig caesar hex2raw wireshark guess guessing 2020 ctf e-jordanas e-jornadas writeup upload php phar ssrf esoteric-language sqlinjection stego steganography ciphertexts pcap cyberchef rot13 vigenere affine reverse_engineering werkzeug kernel safari rev clone-and-pwn cssinjection react css xsleaks turkish