Voting ended at: May 13, 2024, midnight

Weight after voting: 69.44 / 100.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


100 onsra03 Very challenging

35 g30l4d0 worst defcon quals. very guessy overall, lots of red herrings

30 CygnusX-26 Many challenges were way too guessy. Didn't really enjoy this year

100 ice_cream Very challenging, but very good rev/pwn challs

90 crazyman try to balance it.Although web challenges may be more guessing like Gilroy, there are many good challenges out there.need to change Question

100 N0R37urn excellent challenges for a noob are difficult

50 m3ssap0 For the web part: not at the level I expected.

85 M411K Very challenging, yet fun! (shout-out to libpcre3 writer)

100 M411K Very challenging, yet fun! (shout-out to libpcre3 writer)

35 alfin guessy web challenges