
# attack-strategies

Writeup by: [j4asper](https://github.com/j4asper)


## Challenge Description

The StarCraft III Interplanetary Newbie Championship is almost live and I was assigned to take care of teaching everyone in the Newbie-84 planet how to play. I made a blog so each individual can choose their favorite races and strategies to learn before the tournament. I will secretly participate and to give them a change, I hid my go to strategy somewhere on the website. Wanna try finding it?


## Challenge Solution

After looking around the site and source, i notice that there is a cookie with a "show_hidden" key set to "false". By editting this value to "true" and reload the page, we now see a "flag.txt" folder in the dropdown menu.

![Image 1](./files/image1.PNG)

It is important for this challenge to understand what folders a loaded into the dropdown. We can see a script in the html code of the website.


document.getElementById('folder_select').addEventListener('change', function() {
var folderSelect = document.getElementById('folder_select');
var fileSelect = document.getElementById('file_select');
var submitBtn = document.querySelector('input[type="submit"]');
var folder = folderSelect.value;
if (folder) {
fetch('/files/' + folder)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
fileSelect.innerHTML = '';
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = data[i];
option.text = data[i];
fileSelect.disabled = false;
submitBtn.disabled = false;
} else {
fileSelect.innerHTML = '<option value="" selected>Select a file...</option>';
fileSelect.disabled = true;
submitBtn.disabled = true;

This script shows that the folders are fetched from the /files/ directory, so let's try to access te flag that way.

Going to `http://vespene-gas.hackers.best:31337/files/flag.txt` returns an Internal server error, while `http://vespene-gas.hackers.best:31337/files/General` doesn't. When going back to the main page of the site and selecting a folder and a file and pressing the View button, we see that the page makes a request POST request with some form data. For the General folder and "Cannon Rush" file, the Post request form data looks like this:


By changing the `folder_select` and `file_select` in the post request, we might be able to extract the flag.txt from the /files folder.

I don't know a tool in firefox that will make this process easier, so i will use the Burpsuite proxy for this.

![Image 2](./files/image2.PNG)

So before enabling the intercept feature, i first select the folder and some file. Then enable the intercept feature, and press the view button.

Then your request should look something like this.

![Image 3](./files/image3.PNG)

In the red cirkel you will need to edit the data, so that we can get the flag. The `folder_select` value should be `.` (a dot), to indicate that we want a file from the current directory, and the the file should be `flag.txt` like in the image below.

![Image 4](./files/image4.PNG)

Then forward the request, and you should be able to see the flag in the browser.

![Image 5](./files/image5.PNG)

Original writeup (https://github.com/Z3R0D4Y-Team/Writeups/tree/main/2023/Space%20Heroes%20CTF/attack-strategies).